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Lago centro di Cadore ed i suoi Lucci

Incastonato nella natura selvaggia e incontaminata delle dolomiti c'è un lago recentemente divenuto famoso per la massiccia presenza di lucci con dimensioni veramente importanti.


Luccio Irlandese & Megabass Valkyrie world expedition


Nuovo viaggio in Irlanda , un'altra magnifica esperienza consolidata dalla professionalità del lodge Black Bay.                                                                                                                          Questa volta decidiamo ci giocarcela con una chicca di casa Megabass , la Valkyrie World Expedition.

Bilancino 2022 day7

Un'altra uscita di pesca nel lago di bilancino e in questo caso decido di insidiare un po' tutti i predatori del lago, parto subito la mattina alla ricerca di bass, in quanto noto una discreta attivita' a galla, la scelta risulta essere giusta in quanto dopo pochi lanci catturo un bel...

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Bilancino 2022 Day 5

Si riparte per un'altra uscita alla ricerca dei predatori del lago di Bilancino gli equipaggi sono gli stessi dello scorso articolo con la differenza che al posto di Nicola c'è Leonardo. Anche in questa uscita, la barca capitanata da Alessio in compagnia di Domenico e Christoph, si concentrano nella ricerca del...

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Bilancino 2022 day 4

In questa quarta uscita decidiamo di uscire con due barche, una alla ricerca di Pike capitanata dall'amico Alessio, con ospiti d'onore Christoph Tuczai e Domenico Magliano,  l'altra alla ricerca di Perch e Black Bass capitanata da me con Alessandro ,con ospite il grande amico Nicola Minaldoni. La mattina risulta un po'...

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Bilancino e Sieve

In queste uscite nello splendido Lago di Bilancino abbiamo optato per la pesca da terra, battendo diverse zone del lago mentre Simone inizialmente aveva deciso di battere una zona di Sieve, alla ricerca di qualche Chub montando il Megabass Great Hunting Flat Side 70 sp, facendo qualche cattura tra le quali...

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golden mean deep core monster hunter limited e jackall mega pompadour vs pike

L'amico Luca Mirannalti decide di fare un giro per le cave toscane alla ricerca del pike, con se come canna si porta la golden mean deep core monster hunter limited, rod in tre pezzi studiata per la pesca al big pike. la rod lunga 7.6 piedi con azione xxxheavy regular, perfetta...

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Ever Green International "ZERUCH" - Field Test

Hi Guys! This weekend I used the first time the brand new Crankbait from Ever Green which is called Zeruch. It is a classical medium running Crankbait, but you can use it under heavy cover conditions too. The combination between the special designed lip and the fixed balance weights allowed the...

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Ever Green International - Twintail Ringer 4,7"

Hi Leute! Ich nutze immer gerne die Feiertage um etwas Ordnung in mein Tackle zu bekommen. Dabei bin ich auf den Twintail Ringer der japanischen Firma Ever Green gestoßen. Dieser unscheinbare Softbait hat es faustdick hinter den Ohren! Hier ein kleiner Überblick ... Viel Spaß beim Video-Review!

Tight Lines, Christoph

Ever Green Int. BREAM SLIDE-Vienna City Fishing

Hi Guys! This time I present you the brand new Swimbait called „BREAM SLIDE" from the Japanese company Ever Green International. This guy is with his size of 15cm and weight of 3oz not one of the biggest Swimbaits which arrived the last months at the japanese market, but the big...

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Ever Green Belly Boat Challenge 2017

Hi Guys! Finally, the Video from our first „EVER GREEN BELLY BOAT CHALLENGE" on our Lake Parsonbunch is Online. Looking back, it was more than a successful event and we are grateful for all participants and visitors.20 anglers were trying to catch a pike, a perch and a pikeperch. With this...

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Ever Green Head Shaker x Grass Ripper

Hi Guys! Here is my new video about the new "Head Shaker" from Ever Green International. In combination with the "Grass Ripper" it is one of my favorite Setups during the fall season. Had some great successes on Black Bass the last two month. During the underwater records I caught this...

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Ever Green Int. C-4 JIG x C-4 SHRIMP

Hi Leute! Ab nächster Woche ist die Schonzeit der Flussbarsche zu Ende. Passend dazu möchte ich Euch eine Combo vorstellen die mich in den letzten Jahren mehr als überzeugt hat. Sie setzt sich aus dem "C-4 JIG" sowie den passenden "C-4 SHRIMP" von der japanischen Firma Ever Green International zusammen. Prinzipiell entspricht dieses...

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Ever Green Int. Swimming Trooper

Hi Leute! Seit 3 Wochen ist die neue Raubfischsaison in vielen Teilen Österreichs wieder eröffnet und auch auf meinem Hausgewässer geht es wieder los. Bedingt durch den kurzen und lauen Winter ist jedoch der Bewuchs an Wasserpflanzen nochmals explodiert. Passend dazu präsentiere ich den "Swimming Trooper" der japanischen Firma Ever Green....

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Ever Green Combat Stick SYNERGY The "Super Detonator"

Hi Guys! Today I was again out on the lake to test the brand new SYNERGY The"Super Detonator" from Ever Green International. This rod was born by the idea from Morizo Shimizu and is a cooperation between Daiwa and Ever Green. The plan was to create a rod which is powerful and sensitive at the same time...

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Ever Green Heracles "The Bluemeister LTS" - First Field Test

Hi Guys! Yesterday I was out on the lake to test the brand new Heracles "The Bluemeister LTS" from Ever Green. I am sure that many of you know the classic model and "YES" it is the same blank, but with the new LTS CONCEPT it is a total new rod....

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EFTTEX 2015 - Hot News

Last week was the EFTTEX 2015 in Warsaw, Poland. This show is one of the biggest Fishing Tackle Shows in Europe, where companies from all over the world present their latest innovations and tackles. Two years ago we've been there too with our strongest brands like Ever Green Internatinal, Golden Mean,...

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Deps SAKAMATA SHAD - Field Test

  Hi Leute! So langsam steht der Winter vor der Türe und die sonnigen Tage werden immer seltener. So nutzte auch ich das letzte Wochenende um den neuen Softjerk-Bait namens "SAKAMATA SHAD" der Firma DEPS zu testen und "BANG" er brachte mir einen richtig fetten Spätherbst-Hecht. Aber überzeugt Euch selbst ;)...

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GM Deep Core 79 Europe Special ... COMING SOON

Ihr sucht eine Rute zum Angeln im Strom? Ihr kämpft mit steilen Böschungen und Spundwänden? Angelt oft vom Ufer aus und hättet gerne etwas mehr Länge und Power für höhere Wurfdistanzen? ... Dann ist die "DEEP CORE 79 Europe Special" von GOLDEN MEAN genau das Richtige für EUCH!!! Die DEEP CORE...

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DEPS Monster BM-HOG ... think one size bigger

Hi Leute! Passend zur Herbstsaison, wo es gerne mal eine Nummer größer sein darf, präsentiere ich Euch den DEPS "Monster BM-Hog". Ein Creature-Bait im XXL-Format, welches gerade in hart befischten Gewässern für die ein oder andere Überraschung sorgen kann.     Hi Guys! This time I present the "Monster BM-Hog" from...

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