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Ever Green Combat Stick SYNERGY The "Super Detonator"

Hi Guys!

Today I was again out on the lake to test the brand new SYNERGY The"Super Detonator" from Ever Green International. This rod was born by the idea from Morizo Shimizu and is a cooperation between Daiwa and Ever Green. The plan was to create a rod which is powerful and sensitive at the same time and at this point came Daiwa with her new Carbon Technologie into the game. The Super Detonator is a mix between the 3DX and X45 Technology. The 3DX Carbon is positioned three-dimensionally, similar like honeycombs, this gives the blank a higher compression. By this way the blank has the same power transmission from every position. In addition the X45 Technology makes the rod stronger and distortion proof.

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Morizo Shimizu designed the Super Detonator especially for techniques like flipping and he found a great interaction between the 7'1" and the handle length.

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Today I've been testing the Ever Green Super Detonator in combination with the DZone Power Blade 1/2oz. At the moment my home lake is full of weeds and you have only few points where it is possible to roll your bait. So you need a powerful rod which allows you at the same time accurate casts - right here slams the Super Detonator!

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I like the Ever Green DZone Power Blade, because in combination with the oversize and perforated blades he makes really high pressures for his size.

This was my first Setup:
Rod: Ever Green Synergy "The Super Detonator" CSYC-71H
Reel: Daiwa Zillion 100SHL
Lure: Ever Green DZone Power Blade 1/2oz
Line: Ever Green Magic Hard R Fluorocarbon 14lb


The Synergy Super Detonator in Action!


I was totally fascinated from the smooth casting performance and the sensitive tip, but after my first hook setting I felt the power of this blank. Definitely an amazing rod ( ᐛ )و


Specifications of the Synergy "The Super Detonator" CSYC-71H
Length: 7'1"
Power: Heavy
Lure Weight: 3/8 - 1 1/2oz
Line: 12 - 25lb
Rod Weight: 140g

Attached you will find a small video of the first field test ...

Tight Lines, Christoph

All products are available at


ZENAQ GLANZ Series B76XX Rod X BigBait
Orikanemu...chub !

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