La serie Orion di Ever Green,esposte in esclusiva alla fiera di Yokoama,e' la nuova fantastica linea di canne da bass fishing progettata da Toshifumi Kikumoto,dal design estremamente semplice e sobrio,ma con delle qualita' costruttive e tecniche di estremo valore e prestigio.
Inizialmente uscira'con cinque modelli da casting,che vi andro'a spiegare in maniera molto specifica ed esauriente.
67ML-Lure : 1/8~3/4oz (3.5~21g) -Line : 6~16lb -Lure & Rig :Bait Neko C-4jig / Small rubber jig ,Drop shot rig ,Light texas rig ,Little Max (around 1/4oz) / Metal vibration,Metal Master (around 10g) / Metal jig ,Justine, Wakemagic / Top water plug ,Shallow crank bait ,Minnow, Shad, Small jerk bait ,Small spinner bait.
67M-Lure : 3/16~1oz (5~28g) -Line : 8~20lb -Lure & Rig :Jack Hammer 3/8oz / Bladed jig ,Spinner bait, Bazz bait ,Top water plug ,Jerk bait ,Little Max (around 3/8oz) / Metal vibration ,Metal Master (around 14g) / Metal jig ,Cover Creeper (over 3.5g) / Finesse rubber jig ,Texas rig, Heavy drop shot rig, No sinker rig, etc / Worming.
69MH-Lure : 3/16~1・1/2oz (5~42g) -Line : 10~25lb -Lure & Rig :Football jig 3/8oz main ,Texas rig (10.5g main, 3.3g min) ,No sinker rig (High density worm) ,Heavy drop shot rig ,Rubber jig with guard wire (around 3/8oz) ,Cover Creeper (over 4.5g) / Finesse rubber jig ,Bow Worm 12" bait neko ,Little Max (over 3/8oz) / Metal vibration ,Metal Master (over 14g) / Metal jig ,Shower Blows, Justine115 / Top water plug.
69H-Lure : 1/4~2oz (7~56g) -Line : 10~30lb -Lure & Rig :Rubber jig with guard wire 1/2oz main ,Football jig 1/2oz main ,Texas rig (5g min.) ,Leaderless dropshot rig ,Head Shaker weighted-hook rig ,Grass Ripper 3/8oz swimming jig ,Heavy spinner bait slow rolling ,Metal Master (over 18.5g) / Metal jig ,Shower Blows / full size top water plug.
The"Black Rose"
71H+-Lure : 1/4~3oz (7~84g) -Line : 12~30lb -Lure & Rig :Texas rig for heavy cover ,Punching ,Rubber jig with guard wire ,Light frog ,Middle size Big bait.
"""EVER GREEN""" Stay Tuned!