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Ever Green Orion 2020 NEW

La serie Orion di Ever Green,esposte in esclusiva alla fiera di Yokoama,e' la nuova fantastica linea di canne da bass fishing progettata da Toshifumi Kikumoto,dal design estremamente semplice e sobrio,ma con delle qualita' costruttive e tecniche di estremo valore e prestigio.

Inizialmente uscira'con cinque modelli da casting,che vi andro'a spiegare in maniera molto specifica ed esauriente.

67ML-Lure : 1/8~3/4oz (3.5~21g) -Line : 6~16lb -Lure & Rig :Bait Neko C-4jig / Small rubber jig ,Drop shot rig ,Light texas rig ,Little Max (around 1/4oz) / Metal vibration,Metal Master (around 10g) / Metal jig ,Justine, Wakemagic / Top water plug ,Shallow crank bait ,Minnow, Shad, Small jerk bait ,Small spinner bait.

67M-Lure : 3/16~1oz (5~28g) -Line : 8~20lb -Lure & Rig :Jack Hammer 3/8oz / Bladed jig ,Spinner bait, Bazz bait ,Top water plug ,Jerk bait ,Little Max (around 3/8oz) / Metal vibration ,Metal Master (around 14g) / Metal jig ,Cover Creeper (over 3.5g) / Finesse rubber jig ,Texas rig, Heavy drop shot rig, No sinker rig, etc / Worming.

69MH-Lure : 3/16~1・1/2oz (5~42g) -Line : 10~25lb -Lure & Rig :Football jig 3/8oz main ,Texas rig (10.5g main, 3.3g min) ,No sinker rig (High density worm) ,Heavy drop shot rig ,Rubber jig with guard wire (around 3/8oz) ,Cover Creeper (over 4.5g) / Finesse rubber jig ,Bow Worm 12" bait neko ,Little Max (over 3/8oz) / Metal vibration ,Metal Master (over 14g) / Metal jig ,Shower Blows, Justine115 / Top water plug.

69H-Lure : 1/4~2oz (7~56g) -Line : 10~30lb -Lure & Rig :Rubber jig with guard wire 1/2oz main ,Football jig 1/2oz main ,Texas rig (5g min.) ,Leaderless dropshot rig ,Head Shaker weighted-hook rig ,Grass Ripper 3/8oz swimming jig ,Heavy spinner bait slow rolling ,Metal Master (over 18.5g) / Metal jig ,Shower Blows / full size top water plug.

The"Black Rose"
71H+-Lure : 1/4~3oz (7~84g) -Line : 12~30lb -Lure & Rig :Texas rig for heavy cover ,Punching ,Rubber jig with guard wire ,Light frog ,Middle size Big bait.

"""EVER GREEN""" Stay Tuned!

WhatsApp Image 2020-01-20 at 07.16.21

WhatsApp Image 2020-02-09 at 16.44.20

WhatsApp Image 2020-01-20 at 07.16.24

Screenshot - 21 01 2020  02 03 04

Screenshot - 21 01 2020  02 03 58

WhatsApp Image 2020-01-20 at 07.16.23

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